¿Puede un pastor alemán comer pollo crudo? 4 consejos útiles

Los pastores alemanes son perros maravillosos que son súper leales, cariñosos y activos para hacer grandes compañeros. Estos perros son inteligentes ...
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¿Pueden comer pescado los pastores alemanes? Pescado seguro y no seguro para los pastores alemanes

El pescado es un alimento seguro para los perros también se añade a la lista de alimentos pastores alemanes pueden ...
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¿Pueden comer pan los pastores alemanes?

¿Qué te viene a la mente cuando ves a un pastor alemán comiendo pan? Nada más que esto, ¿puede un pastor alemán ...
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¿Es mala la paja para los perros? - Heno y paja

¿Le preocupa qué pajita es mejor y segura para su perro? Efectivamente. Este artículo le ...
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11 Month Old Puppy Aggressive Towards Me

Like many other people, you might also be worried about the behavior of your 11-month old puppy, who has started ...
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Peanut Butter Dog Constipation – Is Peanut Butter Safe for Dogs to Eat?

What do you think does peanut butter help dog constipation? Or if you are one of them who thinks peanut ...
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My Male Dog won’t leave My Female Dog Alone

In this post, you will know why my male dog won’t leave my female dog alone and the tips to ...
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If the Code for a Cat is ECV What is the Code for a Dog?

You may be wondering if the code for a cat is ecv, what is the code for a dog? If ...
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Why Does My German Shepherd Sleep On Its Back?

Many people ask, “Why Does My German Shepherd Sleep On Its Back.” Sleeping on its back is very common among ...
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How Much Does a German Shepherd Cost?

German Shepherds are one of the most sought-after breeds in the world. Their versatility puts them in a position above ...
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Why Does My German Shepherd Tilt Its Head?

German Shepherds are highly intelligent, and at times they will show this off. Why does my german shepherd tilt its ...
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When Do German Shepherd’s Ears Stand Up?

If you are quite observant with dogs, you notice that German Shepherds’ ears tend to stand up pretty straight. However, ...
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How long are German Shepherds in the Heat?

Are you planning on breeding a German shepherd? Or Is your Female GSD behaving weirdly? Well, you don’t have to ...
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How Many Puppies Can a German Shepherd Have?

Wondering about the litter size of a female German Shepherd? Don’t worry about it. In this blog, we will discuss ...
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How Much Exercise Does a German Shepherd Need?

Still, searching for how much exercise does a German Shepherd needs? Well, you have come to the right place. In ...
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