¿Cómo dejar inconsciente a un perro?

How to knock a dog unconscious is the most wanted question of all pet owners. They are best known for their faithfulness, energetic behavior, and playing nature.

There wouldn’t be any man on Earth who would not like to play with his pet dog.

But wait! Are your plans of playing with your dog are getting ruined because your dog is too anxious? Or do you want to take your dog to the vet, and he is getting stubborn?

Instead of dealing with this situation with force, you can use alternative methods that won’t harm your dog.

This article provides detailed information on how to sedate a dog and the things/ medications you can use to sedate your dog.

Continue reading to find answers to your queries.

Is There Anything I Can Give My Dog To Knock Him Out?

In cases where you need to knock your dog out, you have several options that you can adopt. Remember, always try to opt for the least harsh option.

We have listed several options in detail for knocking a dog out.

Natural Remedies

Before trying sedatives and tranquilizers, why not try some natural remedies first? You can go for the following natural remedies and make your dog calm. Remember, these remedies won’t make your dog unconscious.

Give plenty of exercise to your dog; make him play his favorite games.

Get some toys and blankets for him; make renovations in the dog house.

Try nutritional supplements such as L-theanine.

Try herbal remedies given below.


Sedatives are used to slow brain activity and cause calmness.

Sedatives or tranquilizers are CNS depressants that will help you make your dog calm by knocking him out. Commonly used sedatives for dogs are:

  • Benadryl
  • Melatonin
  • Acepromazine
  • Gabapentin
  • Trazodone

Herbal Remedies

As herbs are being used for human welfare for centuries, dogs can also be treated with herbal remedies and medications. You can try the following two most popular herbs for calming your dog.

These herbs are far better than sedating your dog with high potency OTC tranquilizers.

  1. Skullcap 

Skullcap is a calming herb, and it does not make your dog drowsy. Vets usually recommend it for epilepsy as calming the brain is of prime importance in this disease.

Skullcap is now available in various formulations. It would be best if you always got dose and frequency recommendations from your vet before starting the herb.

  1. Valerian Root

Valerian root supplements are made from plants native to Asia and Europe; Valeriana Officinalis. This herb causes drowsiness in dogs and is used to sedate them.

When opting for this supplement, always start it a few days before the event. Start from the lowest dose to help you determine the dose best for your dog.

Experts recommend 1- 7.5 grams of dried valerian root in the form of drops or tablets. And a 7- 15 milliliter dose in the form of a tincture.

Hormonal Therapy

Like humans, dogs also have various hormones that control their brain and body functions. Pheromone is your hormone of concern in this regard.

Pheromones are secreted by dogs and help them recognize each other; for example, a puppy recognizes his mother by her pheromones.

Pheromones are relaxing hormones, so you can use them to calm your dog. Nowadays, pheromones-based collars are readily available in the market. You can get these collars easily online.


If you want to calm your dog gently, this is undoubtedly your thing.

Aromatherapy is a procedure to calm your dog with a relaxing aroma/odor.

Lavender oil is of particular importance in this regard. This oil can be used on your dog’s blanket and body fur. You can give a massage of lavender oil on your dog’s body and fur. This will give him a peaceful sleep too.

What Can You Give A Dog To Sedate Him?

After trying everything else (e.g., natural and herbal remedies) and not getting the results you want, OTC sedatives are the only option left.

These tranquilizers can be used for sedating your dog in conditions where he gets hyperactive or nosy, for example, going to the saloon, barking at other dogs, not taking a bath, fear of fireworks, fear of traveling, and so on.

Sedating a dog can be crucial in some circumstances. Always use a sedative recommended only by a vet.


This is an oral sedative and is frequently recommended for those who want to treat their dogs at home.

Acepromazine is a dopamine depressor and causes a decline or depression in brain activity. If your dog is severely stressed, acepromazine alone won’t be enough. Your vet will often combine acepromazine with other sedative drugs to bring up the effects.

The recommended dose is 1-2mg/kg body weight and should be administered at least 30-60 minutes before the event.


Diphenhydramine is the active ingredient of Benadryl and is often used as a mild tranquilizer as it is an antihistamine drug. Instead, Benadryl will make your dog calm.

The recommended dose is 2-4 mg/ kg body weight. Remember not to use the liquid form as it is toxic to dogs.


This drug can be used alone and with other sedatives too. Gabapentin is an antiepileptic and a pain killer. It can be used on healthy dogs.

The recommended dose is 10-20 mg/ kg body weight.

How To Tell If A Dog Is Unconscious?

An unconscious dog will exhibit the following symptoms:

Unable to rouse from sleep.

Sleeping for long hours.

Difficult to rouse from sleep.

Low energy and sedative behavior.

How To Safely Sedate A Dog?

There are two methods to sedate your dog safely.

Method 1 (With Sedatives/ Medications):

Understand the condition and level of anxiety of your dog.

Visit your vet and communicate with him the prevailing conditions.

Give the prescribed medication as indicated by the vet.

Method 2 (Without Sedatives):

Try things other than sedatives, such as hormonal therapy.

Provide a peaceful environment for your dog to get him a peaceful sleep.

Give plenty of exercises.

Use nutritional supplements. And

Try aromatherapy.

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